why choose pure PT Supply
Premium Quality
We partner with the best factories and test everyone of our products so you can be confident you are getting the best.
We package items in the perfect quantities for clinic owners. We optimize everything from package size to package weight so you get the best price.
Referral Cash
We take the money we would spend on advertising and give it to you the clinic owner. We have the best referral program in the pt space plane and simple.
Retail Profit
We are the only product company to assist clinics in building a successful retail program. Our products save you money and generate your clinic extra income.
No Middleman
We will never work with distributors or other brands. We are the 1 stop shop. We source our own high quality products and package them to save you as much money as possible.
Save Big!
We are not just a product company we are changing the way PT clinics think about and order products. Cut costs and use products as a revenue generator.
What People Say About Us
Pure PT Supply is not just a supply company. We are changing the way your clinic orders products and retails items to patients.
The Story Behind Pure PT Supply
The Origin of Pure PT Supply
The Takeover
Our Commitment